GitLab CE

Last change on 2024-07-25 • Created on 2021-06-23 • ID: CL-02AF3
gitlab logo

This app contains a ready to use GitLab installation. You can install it via the Hetzner Cloud Console or the Hetzner Cloud API.

Deploy to Hetzner Cloud

GitLab is an open-source DevOps platform. Its mission is to help teams collaborate on software development and to provide a place where everyone can contribute. This app allows you to manage changes to documents and more.

Getting started

Create your server on our Hetzner Cloud Console. Instead of an image, you will be able to choose the app that you would like to have preinstalled on your server.

GitLab is preinstalled when the image is booted, but it is not enabled.

In order to enable GitLab, first, please log into your server:

  • Via SSH key, if you selected one when you created the server
  • Via root password, which will be mailed to you if you created a server without selecting an SSH key

This will guide you through the process and give you additional Let's Encrypt support. If you choose to skip Let's Encrypt, you will still be able to activate it another time (see Activate Let's Encrypt post installation).

When you are done, you will be able to use GitLab as usual from the web.

Hetzner Cloud API

In addition to the Hetzner Cloud Console you can also use the Hetzner Cloud API to set up a server with pre-installed GitLab.

  • For example with a curl command via CLI

    curl \
       -X POST \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -d '{"name":"my-server", "server_type":"cpx31", "image":"gitlab"}' \
  • Or via hcloud-cli

    hcloud server create --name my-server --type cpx31 --image gitlab

Activate Let's Encrypt post installation

Let’s Encrypt provides digital certificates that are needed to enable HTTPS (SSL/TLS) for websites.

To activate Let's Encrypt after the initial script has run, please follow the steps below.

  1. Change the external_url value in


    from http://[your-domain] to https://[your-domain]

    You can use your favorite text editor to change the value (e.g. Vim).

  2. Reconfigure Gitlab

    gitlab-ctl reconfigure

    Gitlab will change everything to SSL and obtain a valid Let's Encrypt certificate.

Image content

Base OS

  • Ubuntu 24.04

Installed packages

This image contains Postfix and Perl as packages and GitLab from source.

GitLab GPL (Expat)
Perl GPL
Postfix GPL (EPL2)
Apache GPLv3 (Apache 2.0)


We use auto-generated passwords which are stored in:


For more information about the installed packages, please refer to their official documentation:

For more information about Hetzner Cloud and Hetzner Cloud Apps, please refer to our official documentation:

Table of Contents