
Last change on 2024-04-26 • Created on 2021-12-23 • ID: CL-2312D


A Firewall is used to restrict the incoming and outgoing traffic a user wants on the server. To achieve this, Firewalls block any network traffic not specified in a rule. You can set your own rules at any time. Simply define IP addresses that are allowed or not allowed to call your server or to be called by your server. The Firewall will implement these rules and restrict traffic.

Firewall properties:

Firewall rules are the heart of the Firewall. Traffic from and to any IP address listed in a rule will be allowed. If you do not set any rule, all inbound traffic will automatically be blocked and all outbound traffic will automatically be permitted.

Label selectors make it possible to automatically apply Firewalls to servers. If a server matches a Firewall's label selector configuration, the Firewall will automatically be applied on this server.


We do not charge for our Cloud Firewalls.

Resources and attributes

The following resources and attributes are associated with this feature:


  • Up to 5 Firewalls per server
  • Up to 50 Firewalls across all projects
  • Up to 500 (effective) rules per Firewall
  • Up to 80000 active, concurrent connections per server (10000 new connections per second)
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