SSL accounts

Last change on 2021-08-17 • Created on 2020-01-20 • ID: KO-74B7B

The SSL Manager gives you the ability to create an encrypted connection and therefore transfer data between the browser and server in an encrypted way. You can easily activate or deactivate the encryption for a single domain with a simple click of the mouse.

To install an SSL account, you will need a SSL certificate. Hetzner Online can provide you with basic certificates free of cost. We also offer business certificates for a fee. In addition, you can also import your own certificates using the SSL Manager. To learn more about our various certificates, please see SSL certificates.

Installing an SSL account

  1. In the selection box, choose the certificate that you would like for your account. If you do not already have your own certificate, you can request a free Basic or Let's Encrypt certificate in this step.

  2. Click on the lock symbol to install the SSL account.

  • If you choose a finished certificate, your account should be installed directly.
  • If you order a Basic or Let's Encrypt certificate, in the process of activating an SSL certificate, the account will automatically be installed as soon as the SSL certificate has been issued. (To learn more, please see SSL certificates).

You have the additional option of adding a dedicated IP address to your account. To learn more, continue reading below.

Dedicated IP addresses

What are the advantages of adding a dedicated IP address?

It is standard practice for SSL accounts to be installed using server name indication (SNI) technology. This means that there is an extension by which the SSL account also uses the respective IP address's hosting server. This technology, however, is not supported by several older devices and browsers. If you want to ensure that absolutely all visitors can use an encrypted connection to your site, then you can add your own IP address to your SSL account.

Which browsers and operating systems support SNI?


  • Firefox since Version 2.0
  • Internet Explorer since Version 7 (since Windows Vista!)
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera 8.0 and later (TLS 1.1 must be activated)
  • Safari 3.0 and higher (since OS X 10.5.6, since Windows Vista)

Mobile Browser

  • Android Browser since "Honeycomb" (3.0) for tablets and since "Ice Cream Sandwich" (4.0) on smartphones
  • Safari since iOS 4
  • Mozilla Firefox Mobile
  • Opera since Version 10.1 in Android
  • Windows Phone since Version 7

Note: In general, Internet Explorer in Windows XP does not support SNI.

How to add or remove a dedicated IP address

You can add a dedicated IP address to your account simply by clicking on the "+" symbol.

Note: If you use konsoleH's name server, the displayed IP address will automatically be configured in your account's DNS Administration. However, if you use the name server of a third party, please remember to leave the IP address for your Hetzner Online SSL account with the third party.

You can remove an issued IP address by clicking on it. The SSL account will then be downgraded to an SNI account. Please double-check the DNS settings of your domain (see below) and set all entries that use the dedicated IP back on the standard IP of the hosting server. This will help to further ensure that your websites are accessible.

Important note on how we issue IP addresses: We randomly issue IP addresses. It is therefore very likely that you will get a completely new IP address if you uninstall and then reinstall the IP address.

How to uninstall an SSL account

If you have added a dedicated IP address, please first uninstall the IP address. To do this, please see the section of this article called "How to add or remove a dedicated IP address". Then click on the lock symbol to uninstall the SSL account.

Secure additional subdomains with SSL Manager/with your SSL account

If you want to secure additional subdomains with an encrypted connection, please go to the menu on the left and then to "Services; Settings; Subdomains." Then the subdomains should appear in the list of existing SSL accounts.

Force SSL/https

If you have SSL enabled for your domain name, please set "HTTPS redirect" to "On" in your SSL manager.

With this function, you can automatically redirect all requests and create a secure connection for all visitors to your site.

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