Setting up Veeam

Last change on 2025-01-08 • Created on 2024-11-29 • ID: ST-C7C91

Because of their scalability and high-availability, Buckets are a great option for storing backups.

Veeam Backup & Replication is a comprehensive data protection solution that supports seamless integration with S3-compatible storage providers. For more information about Veeam, see:

You need a valid Enterprise edition license. You cannot use object storage with the Community Edition.

Also note the following limitation from the official Veeam documentation:

Data in an object storage bucket or container must be managed solely by Veeam Backup & Replication, including retention (in case you enable Object Lock and Versioning features on an S3 bucket [...]) and data management. Enabling lifecycle rules is not supported, and may result in backup and restore failures.

If you want to enable Object Lock and Versioning, see the how-to guides on Legal Hold, Retention, and Versioning.


  • Veeam is already installed

  1. Create your credentials

    For a step-by-step guide, see the getting started article "Generating S3 credentials".

    Make sure you save the credentials in a safe location right after you create them. You cannot view the secret key again, neither via Cloud Console nor via API.

  1. Add new cloud credentials

    • Click on the menu icon in the top left

    • Navigate to "Credentials & Passwords" and select "Cloud Credentials"

      add credentials

    • Click on "Add" and select "AWS access key..."

      add credentials

    • Add your access key and your secret key, and add a description, e.g. s3-hetzner-keys.

    • After the key was saved, you can click on "OK" to close the "Manage Cloud Credentials" window.

  1. Create a new repository

    • Go to "Backup Infrastructure" and select "Backup Repositories" add repository

    • Click on "Add Repository" in the top left and:

      • Select "Object Storage"
      • Select "S3 Compatible"
      • Select "S3 Compatible" again
      • Enter a name for the repository, e.g. s3-hetzner-bucket
      • Switch to "Account". For the credentials, you can open the drop down and select the credentials you just created, e.g. s3-hetzner-keys. It should look like this:
        Service point:
        <your_access_key> (s3-hetzner-keys, last edited: less than a day ago)
      • Switch to "Bucket". When you click "Browse..." next to the Bucket name, it should give you a list of all Buckets that are available via the endpoint and the S3 credentials you provided. Select one of the Buckets. Next, browse for folders. Click on "New Folder" and give it a name.
    • Once you're satisfied with all the settings, click "Apply" and wait until it completed.

    • In the "Summary", it should state "Object storage repository was successfully created."

    • Finally, click on "Finish"

    In the repository overview, you should now see a new repository that is connected to your Hetzner Bucket:


    Right-click on the repository and select "Access permissions...". Make sure the permissions match your requirements.

  1. Create backups

    Before you create a backup job, make sure you already added something to backup, e.g. a computer or file share.

    Go to "Home" » "Backup Job" and select the respective option.

    backup job - windows

    In "Storage", select the repository that is linked to your Bucket, e.g. s3-hetzner-bucket.

Your data should now be backed up automatically.