
Last change on 2022-08-10 • Created on 2021-12-23 • ID: CL-5ACBD


Networks provide private environments for servers to communicate directly. Every server receives a private IP address that is not on the internet. Instead, dedicated network interfaces are used to provide private layer 3 (OSI model) links between Hetzner Cloud servers. Servers can still access the internet via their public IP address.

Private network properties:

Subnets divide the Network into multiple IP ranges that can be used for different purposes. An IP range (e.g. consists of the subnet address ( and a subnet mask (/24). The subnet mask is needed to identify the different components of the subnet address (network-host). Any Network you create in the Cloud Console automatically comes with a default subnet.

A route sends all packets for a given destination IP prefix to the address specified in its gateway.

A vSwitch can be used to connect a Network to a dedicated server (Hetzner Robot Account).


We do not charge for our Cloud Networks.

Resources and attributes

The following resources and attributes are associated with this feature:


  • Up to 1 vSwitch per Network
  • Up to 50 subnets per Network
  • Up to 100 routes per Network
  • Up to 100 server per Network
  • Up to 3 networks per server
  • Up to 5 alias IPs in addition to the private main IP per server
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