
Last change on 2022-08-22 • Created on 2021-08-16 • ID: CL-6B56D

Placement Groups

Placement Groups are used to influence the distribution of interdependent virtual servers in our data centers. The distribution of the different instances within a group is based on a pattern specified in the type. By enforcing certain rules on the placement of instances within our infrastructure, availability can be influenced in a way that fits your needs best.

In spread Placement Groups, all virtual servers are running on different physical servers. This decreases the probability that some instances might fail together.


  • Spread


We do not charge for our Cloud Placement Groups.

Resources and attributes

The following resources and attributes are associated with this feature:


  • Up to 1 Placement Group at a time per server
  • Up to 50 Placement Groups per project
  • Up to 10 servers per Placement Group (type Spread)
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