Using the console

Last change on 2025-01-09 • Created on 2022-06-28 • ID: CL-A10B1

To use the console (VNC console) on your Cloud Console, please open your project and do the following:

  1. Select your server on which you would like to login via the console


  2. Select the console icon on the top right


    The server console should now appear.

  3. Log into your server

    To login, use your root user and the root password that you received via email.

    If your server was created with an SSH key, or if you no longer have the password, you can request a new root password:

    • Select the server menu item RESCUE
    • Go to the option ROOT PASSWORD and select RESET ROOT PASSWORD
    • The new password will appear directly in the Cloud Console


    <server-name> login: root

    Please note that your password will not be visible in the console.

You are now logged into your server.
