How to upgrade network model

Last change on 2024-09-24 • Created on 2024-09-24 • ID: CL-3C6B2

Upgrading NAT network model

In order to rescale or use advanced Cloud features like Networks or Firewalls, older CX servers must be upgraded from the NAT network model.

Upgrade steps:

  1. Adjust network configuration
  2. Shutdown server
  3. Upgrade network model
  4. Start server.

Disclaimer: Individual installations may require different steps or more steps.

Adjust network configuration

Debian/Ubuntu using ifup

Edit /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet dhcp

iface eth0 inet6 static
    address <server IPv6 subnet>::1
    netmask 64
    gateway fe80::1

If using predictable network names, replace eth0 with the corresponding interface name (e.g. ens3)

Ubuntu using netplan

Edit the .yml file in the folder /etc/netplan/ :

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
        - <IPv6 subnet>::1/64
      dhcp4: true
      gateway6: fe80::1

If using predictable network names, replace eth0 with the corresponding interface name (e.g. ens3)

CentOS and openSUSE

Remove etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 if exists and edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and set


Remove any lines containing IPADDR, NETMASK, SCOPE and BROADCAST.

Remove udev rule of the network interface card

Every virtual server has a unique MAC address. Remove any existing udev rule setting an interface name to a specific MAC address, e.g.

rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
rm /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules

GRUB (optional)

If you want to use the older eth0 naming, you may need to edit the file /etc/default/grub:


This will cause the network card to be available in the system as eth0 instead of ens3.

Remember to update the GRUB configuration via


Final steps before shutdown

Before upgrading the network model, it is recommend to reboot the Cloud Server and check if the new network configuration is working. If not, you can restore the configuration or server to a known good backup before starting again.

Upgrade network model

After verifying the new network configuration, shutdown the server. After shutdown is complete, the network model can be upgraded in the Networking tab of the server.

WARNING: This step cannot be reversed!

Once the upgrade is completed, the server can be started again.

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