Managing AAAA records

Last change on 2021-03-16 • Created on 2020-04-01 • ID: DN-45E3C

Adding an AAAA record

  1. Select a zone which you want to add records to.
  2. Click on the Records button in the top navigation.
  3. Choose the type AAAA record in the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter the host (use @for root) — the subdomain you want to create the record for, including the domain name.
  5. Choose IPv6 Address in the dropdown menu or type the IPv6 address the record will point to.
  6. Choose TTL — the record's time-to-live.
  7. Once you are ready, click the Add record button.
  8. The record should now be created and be visible in the record list below.

Update an AAAA record

You can update the AAAA record directly in the record list by clicking on the Name, Value, or TTL field.

Delete an AAAA record

  1. Click the Delete button for the AAAA record you want to delete.
  2. Confirm the deletion. Warning: You cannot undo this step!
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