Order processing

Last change on 2025-01-14 • Created on 2020-03-25 • ID: GE-0F3B3


Here, you can find an overview for how long we currently need to finish orders and deploy the products/services in them.

When we accept your order, we send you an email. The times below are valid starting on the date when you receive this email.

These times are estimates and are not legally binding. They are meant to be a rough guide. We check and update them once a week. However, these times may, in fact, change during the week before the next update. So the time that you see listed here may be different from the actual time you wait for your order. Please keep this in mind. We will work hard to process your order as quickly as possible.

German locations

Model Estimated time
AX41-NVMe a few minutes
AX42 a few minutes
AX52 a few minutes
AX102 10-12 workdays
AX162-R 10-12 workdays
AX162-S a few minutes
DX153 (always customized) 10-12 workdays
DX182 (always customized) 10-12 workdays
DX293 (always customized) 10-12 workdays
EX44 a few minutes
EX101 a few minutes
EX130-R a few minutes
EX130-S a few minutes
GEX44 5-6 workdays
GEX130 a few minutes
RX170 a few minutes
RX220 a few minutes
SX65 a few minutes
SX135 a few minutes
SX295 a few minutes
Server Auction (SB line) a few minutes
Storage Box (BX line) a few minutes
Customized* 10-12 workdays

Finnish location

Model Estimated time
AX41-NVMe a few minutes
AX42 5-6 workdays
AX52 5-6 workdays
AX102 5-6 workdays
AX162-R 5-6 workdays
AX162-S 5-6 workdays
DX153 (always customized) 5-6 workdays
DX182 (always customized) 5-6 workdays
DX293 (always customized) 5-6 workdays
EX44 10-12 workdays
EX101 a few minutes
EX130-R 5-6 workdays
EX130-S a few minutes
RX170 a few minutes
RX220 a few minutes
SX65 10-12 workdays
SX135 a few minutes
SX295 a few minutes
Server Auction (SB line) a few minutes
Storage Box (BX line) a few minutes
Customized* 5-6 workdays
EX44 (customized) 10-12 workdays
SX65 (customized) 10-12 workdays

Managed products

Model Estimated time
Storage Share a few minutes
Web hosting a few minutes
Managed vServer (MC line) a few minutes
Managed Server 1 workday

* Unless we state it otherwise, the times we estimate here are meant for all customized server models. Customized servers are servers with additional hardware, such as additional drives, NIC, or USB sticks, etc. Custom orders also include any orders with special requests for server locations, or servers which are upgrades for existing servers.

The above times do not apply to Custom Solutions organized by our Custom Solutions Team.

If your wait time is much longer than the estimate listed here, please contact our team at serverorderstatus@hetzner.com.

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