Last change on 2021-07-07 • Created on 2020-01-20 • ID: KO-2D101

PHP installation FAQs:

Which versions of PHP can I choose from?

You can see all currently available PHP versions here:

How do I configure the PHP version I want to use?

Please see PHP configuration.

How is PHP installed on the server?

All versions are called up from the Apache web server using FastCGI.

How big can a file be if I use a PHP script to upload it?

You can set the maximum file size for uploads for PHP scripts on konsoleH using the value "upload_max_filesize". See PHP configuration. This will also set the value for "post_max_size".

You can also set these values by .htaccess:

php_value post_max_size 200M
php_value upload_max_filesize 200M
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