File manager

Last change on 2021-07-07 • Created on 2020-01-20 • ID: KO-300FE

konsoleH WebFTP

The WebFTP interface enables you to access your account, search for files, upload, edit, and download files from anywhere without additional FTP software. To modify a directory, please double click on the directory name.


Enter a file name or a part of a file name. After starting the search, you will be shown the results.

Modify Home Directory/Modify Website Directory

Using this link you can change from your home directory to the directory in which your website is found (public_html).

Expanded View

Expanded View provides more information about the files displayed. You'll also see the access rights (permissions) as well as the file owner and file group. These details specify who has access to the specific file or directory.


Every file and every directory has a number of characteristics which specify who is allowed access. A distinction is made between 'owner access', 'group access' and 'public access'. When you create or upload a new file, you automatically become the owner of the file. In the 'Permissions' column, you can now define which rights you wish to have over the file and which rights others will have.

You can set the following rights:

  • Read-only access to the file/directory
  • Write access to the file/directory
  • Run the file/open the directory

The following abbreviations apply to these types of permission:

  • r - read-only access
  • w - write access
  • x - run the file/open the directory

You can set these rights differently for each user type (owner, group, general).

The "Permissions" column in WebFTP represents this allocation of rights:


  • First group = Owner
  • Second group = Group
  • Third group = Public
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