
Last change on 2023-10-18 • Created on 2023-10-18 • ID: KO-10D6A

This tutorial explains how to install the open-source content management system (CMS) Contao. You can use Contao to create your own website.

This is a 3rd party application. We do not provide Contao technical support, and we cannot guarantee that it will work properly. For Contao support, please see

Example terminology

  • Username: contaoy
  • Hostname: <wwwXXX>
  • Domain: <>
  • Subdomain: <>

Install Contao

Step 1 - Download Contao Manager

There are two ways to download Contao. Choose one of those two options:

  • Option 1 - Via an SSH connection
    For this option, you need Web Hosting Level 9 or higher.

    • Download the file
      After you have established an SSH connection to your server, you can download the file directly into the public_html directory.
      contaoy@<wwwXXX>:~$ cd public_html
      contaoy@<wwwXXX>:~/public_html$ wget
    • Rename the file
      Once the contao-manager.phar file is downloaded, you can rename it.
      contaoy@<wwwXXX>:~/public_html$ mv contao-manager.phar public_html/contao-manager.phar.php

  • Option 2 - Via WebFTP

    • Download Contao on your local device
      Go to and click on the Download button under "Contao Manager". The file contao-manager.phar should now be in your "Downloads" directory, and you can upload it to WebFTP.
    • Open konsoleH and go to ExtrasWebFTP ». 01 konsoleH webftp
    • When you open the WebFTP, select Add files under public_html. 02 konsoleH add files
    • The contao-manager.phar file should be in the "Downloads" directory. When you find the file, select it. 03 upload phar
    • Open the drop-down menu by clicking on the three dots next to contao-manager.phar and select Rename. 04 konsoleH file rename
    • In the text field, enter contao-manager.phar.php and click Rename. 05 konsoleH file rename confirm

Step 2 - Access your domain and create a user

Enter your domain name and add the file name at the end of the domain. For the example used in this tutorial, it would be

You should now see a welcome page and the option to create a user account for the Contao Manager. Enter a username and a secure password and click on Create Account.

06 contao user account create

Step 2.1 - Fix PHP Web Process error

During the system checks, you might get an error like Installation Issues Detected with the following information:

PHP Web Process
The PHP setting "allow_url_fopen" is not enabled on the server.

You can enable allow_url_fopen on konsoleH.

  • Open konsoleH in a second window.
  • Go to SettingsPHP Configuration ».
  • Scroll down to "PHP settings" and set the value of allow_url_fopen to "On". 07 konsoleH php configuration

Step 3 - Set up Contao

  • Go back to your domain (for example
  • When it comes to the final check, you might get a warning like this:
    Contao Installation
    No Contao installation has been found.
    Click on Setup on the right. 08 contao system check done
  • You should now see the Contao Open Source CMS installation wizard. Click on Get started.

Step 3.1 - Set up the path

  • In the Contao installation wizard, it sould say "Webserver Setup" on the left. Click on Setup Directories on the bottom right.
  • Open konsoleH in a second window. Go to SettingsServer Configuration ». In "Server configuration (.htaccess)", select public and click on Document root. 09 konsoleH document root changed
  • Go back to the Contao installation wizard. It should now say something like this:
    The directory structure on your web server is set up correctly!
    Click on Continue.

Step 3.2 - Start the installation

Select the latest Contao version and an initial setup option, such as "Full installation", and click on Install.

Step 3.3 - Add a database

  • Add information about your database. Example: 10 contao database connection save Once you are done, select Save.
  • Click on Check database.
    You might get a warning like this:
    Your database is not up to date. Please review the console output below and execute the changes.
    If you get this warning, click on Execute right below "Database Updates". Once it is done, click on Confirm & Close.
  • When it successfully connects to your database, click on Continue.

Step 3.4 - Create a backend account

On the left, you should now see "Backend Account". On the right, enter a username, name, email address and password and select Add account.

You can now login to Contao.

11 contao installation complete

Further steps

If everything works as expected, you can now create your own website! You can set up your website at and create your first index page as it is explained in the official Contao documentation. You can access your website at

Table of Contents