Language dependent page views

Last change on 2022-04-27 • Created on 2020-01-20 • ID: KO-5DB01

How can the corresponding pages be automatically called in the required language?

Our servers are already configured for this purpose.

Preparation: Create a file named .htaccess located in the public_html folder. It should contain the following:

RemoveType .html .htm
AddType text/html .html .htm
Options +MultiViews

Then you can save the pages in different languages in the public_html folder. You should save the files with an additional ending to designate the language.


  • - German
  • index.html.en - English
  • - French

Note: There is no normal index.html in the public_html folder; otherwise, only this would be displayed. This extension also works with all other pages.

Table of Contents