Reseller personalization

Last change on 2021-08-03 • Created on 2020-01-20 • ID: KO-5D882

Login page

Here you can define an individual login page for each managed server for konsoleH. It will then be stored on your managed server. You can design the page as you like, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. (PHP code is not allowed.) There are only a few predefined form elements to choose from; this ensures that the final login page functions smoothly.

To create a login page, insert HTML code into the text field or click »example« to insert a simple example code, which you can then customize.

You can place important form elements into the HTML code using the code snippet buttons. To do this, place the cursor at the point where you want to insert your HTML code and click on the code snippet of your choice. The corresponding HTML code will then be inserted automatically.

Available code snippets:

  • Form: Inserts a simple HTML form with the most important attributes. Please do not change the attributes »action« and »method«; otherwise, the login form may not work. Please also take care to always insert the remaining elements between the opening and closing form tags.
  • Login field: Inserts a text field for the login name (e.g. domain). The name of the field must always be login_user_inputbox.
  • Password field: Inserts a text field of the »password« type for login. You should also not change the name of the field here.
  • Messagebox: This snippet inserts a placeholder in the HTML code in which error messages and other output will be displayed. If you wish to change the appearance of these messages, please use the HTML code around the placeholder. Do not change the placeholder tag.
  • Referer: This hidden form field contains the starting page (e.g. This field is required. It is used to redirect the user to the start page after logout.

Please note: Your login page should contain your "Impressum" (legal notice) or a link to it.

Index page

Here you can define an individual default index page for each account on the managed server. You can design the page as you like, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript (PHP code is not allowed!). There are only a few predefined form elements to choose from; this ensures that the final login page functions smoothly.

To create an index page, insert HTML code into the text field or click »example« to insert a simple example code, which you can then customize.

You can place important form elements into the HTML code using the code snippet buttons. To do this, place the cursor at the point where you want to insert your HTML code and click on the code snippet of your choice. The corresponding HTML code will then be inserted automatically.

Available code snippets:

  • Domainname Placeholder: This snippet inserts a placeholder in the HTML code in which the domain name of a new account will be displayed.

Here you can store an image for your own logo. The logo will be shown in the domain login.

The image should be 185 px by 50 px. Other image sizes are automatically converted to this format. The maximum size of the template is 1 MB with a maximum 2000 px width and 1000 px height. You can use JPG, PNG and GIF files.

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