stands for Expired Registration Recovery Policy. If you have received an email to renew your domain(s), you will find more information in the email.
Email notification about reaching the expiration date for gTLD domains
What do I need do to renew a domain?
If you wish to continue to use the domain(s), you do not need to do anything. The domain is automatically renewed.
You can find the annual rates for your domains here: Domain Registration Registration Robot
Why did I get this email?
The central domain administrator ICANN requires us to give you this information.
How many emails are sent to me?
About once a month before you domain's expiration date, you'll receive an email. You'll get another one about a week before the expiration date.
Where can I find the expiration date?
You can find the expiration date by doing a WHOIS query.
How can I cancel my domain?
If you wish to cancel a domain, you can do this on your Robot account. Please keep in mind that some domains have a cancellation period of 30 days to the end of the month.
What can I do if I cancelled a domain, but still need it?
If you cancelled a domain and want to keep it, please send a support request via your Robot account. Within 30 days, it is still possible to Restore the domain (to remove it from the deletion process).
More information
You can find more information about domain renewals and cancellations at ICANN.