Additional apps

Last change on 2024-09-23 • Created on 2020-05-18 • ID: ST-653BB

Can I use additional apps?

Yes, you can activate additional apps by clicking on your profile image, and then on the link Apps. In the following menu, you can install new apps, deactivate existing ones, and delete deactivated apps. We cannot offer technical support for additional apps that you activate.


You can use the built-in OnlyOffice server in your Storage Share. For that, you need to activate the apps Community Document Server and ONLYOFFICE. If you need more performance or more simultaneous users, you still need to install and configure a standalone OnlyOffice server on your own server. You could use, for example, one of our unmanaged dedicated root servers or a Hetzner Cloud server.


Due to performance reasons, we cannot support the built-in version of Collabora. So if you still want to use Collabora, you will need to provide your own server. You could use, for example, one of our unmanaged dedicated root servers or a Hetzner Cloud server. You can activate Collabora via the App Store, but you will need to use the other server for data processing. You as the customer are responsible for configuring this server yourself in the app's settings.

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