Backups / Snapshots

Last change on 2024-09-23 • Created on 2022-07-21 • ID: ST-E3A72

How can I create backups?

A backup is performed automatically several times a day. It is currently not possible for you to manually perform a backup.

Where are the backups saved?

The backup is always made to another host machine on which the instance is not running.

The Storage Share backup is a ZFS snapshot (copy-on-write) of the dataset of the individual instances. A separate snapshot is created for each Storage Share.

In addition, a database dump of the Storage Share is stored in the dataset before the ZFS snapshot is created, so that both are created at almost the same time. Due to the runtime for the database dump creation, there may be a small difference.

Once the database dump and ZFS snapshot are created, the snapshot is incrementally transferred to another host. The backup host will then contain all snapshots created in the last 7 days.

How can I restore backups?

If the backup is successfully completed, you can restore it via your account on the konsoleH web interface. If you have trouble restoring a backup, please contact our support team.

Can I restore specific files from within a backup?

Currently, we only support restores for the full backup ZFS snapshot to a specific point in time.

From a technical point of view, it is already theoretically possible to restore individual files from a snapshot at a specific time, time X. This potential feature is already on the customer wish list. We have not yet implemented it because there are some tricky aspects that we need to consider first (such as how to systematically update Nextcloud's data cache).

We decided to use this type of backup to keep the load (network, CPU and disk space) of backups and their runtimes as low as possible.

How is the restore of the backup technically implemented?

During a restore, the backup ZFS snapshot is transferred to a completely new host (so the restore can take quite a while) and the database dump is imported at time X.

One disadvantage of using snapshots is that all recent backups are deleted by the restore. This happens since the backupchain is also reset to time X so that new backups can be created based on it.

Although resetting the backup chain is not technically necessary, it prevents all the data from having to be transferred again during the next backup, which can take several hours.

Is the Storage Share still accessible while the restore is running?

No, the Storage Share is not available as long as the restore is running. (This may take up to 1-2 days depending on the backup size). As soon as the restore is finished, you will receive an email.

Will it be possible to create snapshots of the Storage Share instance, including the data on it?

A snapshot function is currently not available.

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