Beta test

Last change on 2024-09-24 • Created on 2024-09-23 • ID: ST-1DE93

When does the beta test begin and end?

The public beta test begins on 23 September 2024.

We do not have a fixed date for the end of the beta test yet, but we want to test everything for at least one to two months. This will allow us to make sure that the new product performs flawlessly at the official launch and meets everyone's needs.

Who can participate?

The beta test is open for all customers, but you need to apply for it. If you meet our criteria and we still have spots available, we'll activate the feature for your account.

After logging into the Cloud Console, click here to apply via an application form. When signing up, please provide us with some details and a brief description of your intended use case or workload:

  • What client applications will you use to communicate with the object storage?
  • How many concurrent connections do you expect?
  • How much storage space do you require?
  • How much bandwidth (incoming/outgoing) do you expect?

Does the Object Storage beta cost anything?

Until the end of October, Object Storage will be free of charge. Starting on 1 November 2024, Object Storage will be charged.

You are free to keep your data after the beta test ended, but you will be charged for storing it from that point on. For more information about the Object Storage billing model, see the Object Storage overview.

What locations are available?

On the beta launch date, Object Storage will be available in Falkenstein (fsn1) only. We plan to add Nuremberg (nbg1) next. After the beta test, Object Storage will be available in all our European locations.

What performance can I expect?

At this stage, we cannot guarantee continuous flawless performance, so please be prepared to potentially run into issues. We want to use this beta test to identify and fix any issues before Object Storage becomes generally available, ensuring optimal performance at the official launch.

If you do run into issues, please let us know (see FAQ below) so that we can fix them.

How safe is my data during beta test?

Knowing how important data security can be even during beta, we made sure that a certain level of security is in place from the start. The main purpose of this beta test is to test the functionality and stability of the product. This means that the service could become temporarily unavailable but we do not expect any data loss.

Where can I submit feedback?

Please share your impressions and feedback via this dedicated forum:

If you wish to report an error or problem, please include the following information so that we can investigate your issue as efficiently as possible:

  • For Cloud Console issues: a screenshot of the page in question (please anonymize personal data such as your customer number in advance).
  • For problems with applications or CLI tools such as s3cmd, mc, etc.: an excerpt from the debug output with meaningful error messages, possibly log file entries that could help us to narrow down the error.
  • The bucket ID (not the name!) — you can obtain this via the URL in the Cloud Console: click on “Object Storage” in your project and then the name of the bucket so that the bucket overview appears. The URL in the address bar of the browser contains the bucket ID:<project-id>/buckets/<bucket-id>/overview
  • For security reasons, never post access keys or secret keys!

Thank you for your support!

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