
Last change on 2024-09-24 • Created on 2024-09-23 • ID: ST-48E29

⚠️ Object Storage is currently in Beta test. For more information see this FAQ: Object Storage » Beta test

Object Storage

Our S3-compatible Object Storage provides you with storage capacity for saving data in "Buckets". Any data you save in your Bucket is saved in a Ceph cluster. If you set the visibility of your Bucket to public, everyone can access the Bucket to view or download files via a URL that follows this format:


Object Storage is mainly used to store and share data as it is not possible to edit any data that you uploaded to a Bucket (objects are immutable). So the main purpose of Object Storage is "WORM", which is short for, "Write once, read many [times]". Here are some example use cases:

  • Host a static website
  • Save (automatic) backups
  • Share data via a public URL

Buckets are a stand-alone product that you can use independently of any other cloud resources. Via Cloud Console, you can complete basic tasks such as creating a Bucket or generating credentials. For all other features and functionalities, you need to use our S3-compatible API. Here's how you can use our API:

  • Amazon S3 compatible tools recommended
  • Amazon S3 API with the Hetzner S3 endpoint

In the article "List of supported actions", you can check which S3 features our Object Storage currently supports.


During beta, you can use Object Storage for free until the end of October.

Click here to see what applies from 1 November 2024 on.

Object Storage is billed per account. This means that at the end of the month, the storage and traffic used by all Buckets across all projects are combined and billed as one.

Storage and traffic that exceed the included limit are charged in addition.

For information on the prices, see hetzner.com.

The following is free:

  • Ingress traffic
  • Internal traffic within the network zone eu-central
  • S3 API calls such as PUT, GET, or DELETE

Resources and Attributes

The following resources and attributes are associated with this feature:

  • Name
  • Visibility (private public)
  • Access key
  • Secret key

Note: By default, each key pair is automatically valid for every Bucket within the same project. To increase security, you might want to check out the FAQ entry "How do I restrict access per key?".


  • Up to 10 TB per object
  • Up to 1 GBit/s bandwidth per Bucket
  • Up to 1024 operations/s per Bucket
  • Up to 100 TB per Bucket
  • Up to 100,000,000 objects per Bucket
  • Up to 100 S3 credentials across all projects
  • Up to 10 Buckets across all projects
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