
Last change on 2024-06-06 • Created on 2022-06-28 • ID: CL-B8510


Cloud servers are virtual machines that run on physical servers and are used to run an operating system and computer programs. The physical servers are located in the USA and in our data centers in Europe. The virtualization makes it possible for you to adjust the scale of your servers at any time. And you can easily add or remove other features if needed. Our cloud servers do not include public IP addresses but you can add Primary IPs if you would like to have a public network interface. You can choose to use existing Primary IPs (IPv4, IPv6) from your project or to create a new one with the server.

You can create your own cloud server quickly and easily in the Cloud Console and add features such as Firewalls and Volumes. You also have the option to create a new server from a snapshot.


Cloud server prices vary depending on the type (Shared vCPU, Dedicated vCPU) and do not include public IP addresses. Per server, you can add one Primary IP of each type (IPv4, IPv6), see network options.

Server types

You can choose between Shared vCPU and Dedicated vCPU cloud servers.

Shared vCPU
  • For best performance, hypervisors are used to distribute usage rights of CPU resources among several virtual servers
  • Ideal for individual applications or development environments

  • Dedicated vCPU
  • Every dedicated vCPU instance has its own dedicated CPU resources
  • Ideal for CPU intensive applications or research calculations

  • Following plans are available for each of those two types, excluding the additional cost for a Primary IPv4:

    Shared vCPU

    With x86 architecture:

    Name vCPUs Ram SSD Traffic Price*
    CPX11 2 AMD 2 GB 40 GB 20 TB € 0.0063 / h € 3.85 / mo
    CX22 2 Intel 4 GB 40 GB 20 TB € 0.0052 / h € 3.29 / mo
    CPX21 3 AMD 4 GB 80 GB 20 TB € 0.0112 / h € 7.05 / mo
    CX32 4 Intel 8 GB 80 GB 20 TB € 0.0105 / h € 6.30 / mo
    CPX31 4 AMD 8 GB 160 GB 20 TB € 0.0211 / h € 13.10 / mo
    CX42 8 Intel 16 GB 160 GB 20 TB € 0.0265 / h € 15.90 / mo
    CPX41 8 AMD 16 GB 240 GB 20 TB € 0.0409 / h € 24.70 / mo
    CX52 16 Intel 32 GB 320 GB 20 TB € 0.0532 / h € 31.90 / mo
    CPX51 16 AMD 32 GB 360 GB 20 TB € 0.0872 / h € 54.40 / mo

    *All prices excl. VAT

    With Arm64 architecture:

    Name vCPUs Ram SSD Traffic Price*
    CAX11 2 Ampere 4 GB 40 GB 20 TB € 0.0053 / h € 3.29 / mo
    CAX21 4 Ampere 8 GB 80 GB 20 TB € 0.0096 / h € 5.99 / mo
    CAX31 8 Ampere 16 GB 160 GB 20 TB € 0.0192 / h € 11.99 / mo
    CAX41 16 Ampere 32 GB 320 GB 20 TB € 0.0384 / h € 23.99 / mo

    *All prices excl. VAT

    Dedicated vCPU

    With x86 architecture:

    Name vCPUs Ram SSD Traffic Price*
    CCX13 2 AMD 8 GB 80 GB 20 TB € 0.0192 / h € 11.99 / mo
    CCX23 4 AMD 16 GB 160 GB 20 TB € 0.0384 / h € 23.99 / mo
    CCX33 8 AMD 32 GB 240 GB 30 TB € 0.0769 / h € 47.99 / mo
    CCX43 16 AMD 64 GB 360 GB 40 TB € 0.1538 / h € 95.99 / mo
    CCX53 32 AMD 128 GB 600 GB 50 TB € 0.3077 / h € 191.99 / mo
    CCX63 48 AMD 192 GB 960 GB 60 TB € 0.4615 / h € 287.99 / mo

    *All prices excl. VAT

    Network options

    Cloud servers do not include public IP addresses. Therefore, a Primary IP has to be added to the server to establish a connection to the internet.

    • We do not charge for our Primary IPs of type IPv6.

    • We charge an additional cost of € 0.50/month (excl. VAT) for our Primary IPs of type IPv4.

    When creating a server, you can choose from three network options. At least one of those three options has to be selected.

    Private network no Primary IP at least one pvt IP
    Public network one Primary IP (IPv4 or IPv6 ) pvt IP optional
    Public network two Primary IPs (IPv4 and IPv6) pvt IP optional

    If you create a server with a public IP address and do not select an existing Primary IP from your project, our system will auto-create one for you.

    Operating systems

    You can choose from Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, Rocky Linux, and AlmaLinux as your operating system.

    Resources and attributes

    The following resources and attributes are associated with this feature:


    • By default, up to 10 servers
    • By default, up to 8 dedicated vCPU servers
    • Up to 1 Primary IPv4 per server
    • Up to 1 Primary IPv6 per server
    • Up to 1 App per server
    • Up to 1 Placement Group per server
    • Up to 3 Networks per server
    • Up to 5 Firewalls per server
    • Up to 16 Volumes per server

    Please note: It can be possible to increase default limits if requested.

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